About Me
How it started
My Projects
Contact Me
Hello, I'm Own3r

I'm a Front-End Developer, Who is also familiar with Building API's:)
About Me
Just a small bio
Vanilla & React JS developer, Also familiar with Building API's using PHP
Here are few Highlights:
Vanilla JS Developer
React JS Developer
Familiar with building API's
How it started?
Programming Skills
Elite School of Allameh
2013 _ 2017
Graduated High School
Self Taught Programmer
2018 _ *
No IT related Education.
Web Design History
2013 _ *
-HTMl and CSS: First project that I can find now, belongs to 2013 !
-Wordpress: My first Wordpress site went online in 2016 !
- I also had multiple Bitcoin Faucet in 2016!
- Started learning JavaScript in late 2020
React JS
WP News Website
Technology: Wordpress, PHP
Personal Site
Technology: Wordpress
PHP Licence Verification System
Technology: PHP
Scraper(data extractor) for many sites!
Technology: JS, PHP
2021 - *
By hiding your IP behind it's CDN, protects your privacy and helps access to free internet!
Tor Project
Privacy and Free Internet!
I love JS. It's easy to use and you can use it almost anywhere!
VS Code
Self explanatory :)
My Projects
Here Are Some of my Projects

My First-Ever Real-World Web-Dev Project! I Build a News Website Using Wordpress in 2016!

My First Wordpress Project

Personal Site Using Wordpres in 2020(Images has been edited via Google Translate)

Personal Site Using Wordpres

I Build a PHP Script For Validating Software's Licenses(Spesially WP Themes or Plugons) in 2020!

PHP Script For Validating Theme and Plugin's Licenses

Online Real Estate Agency Site in 2020(Images has been edited via Google Translate)

Online Real Estate Agency Site

Online New/Used Cars Sale in 2020(Images has been edited via Google Translate)

Online Car Sale Site

Simple Online Book Store in 2020(Images has been edited via Google Translate)

Online Book Store Site

Scrapers(Divar: Listing website, Emalls: Price tracker site, RadioJavan: music info )

Web Scrapers

Telegram Bots(1.Send updated '.txt' file automated. 2.Send Divar's scraped data to Telegram. 3.Text/Url to QR Code)

Telegram Bots

Chrome Extensions(1.Volume For Youtube Shorts. 2.Super Simple Ext. to show the latest Crypto price. 3.Text/Url to QR Code)

Chrome Extensions

Budget Tracker With Live Edit And Google Chart
Preview - GitHub

Budget Tracker App

Full Stack App, With JS and PHP, Updatable data(Automatically), Near 10k Url, Connected to Telegram bot

Full Stack App

My Biggest Project: 1.1 Millions Files Processed and 556,186 Emails with Attachments Added to a Database and shown on Website

Emails Project

ClipBoard Share Via Copyable Text and QR Code(Includes: A Web page, Chrome Extension and A Telegram Bot)

ClipBoard Share Share

Bulk File Renamer with Zip and UnZip support
Preview - GitHub

Bulk File Renamer

Download Time in Vanilla JS and React/NextJS
Preview - VanillaJS GitHub - React/NextJS GitHub

Download Time
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